Examples of Successful EMI Businesses in Lithuania

Here are some examples of successful Electronic Money Institution (EMI) businesses that have established themselves in Lithuania:


  1. Paysera: Paysera is a Lithuanian-based EMI that started as a small online payment processing company and has grown into a full-service financial institution. It offers a range of services, including electronic money accounts, payment processing, currency exchange, and prepaid debit cards. Paysera has expanded its operations beyond Lithuania and serves customers in various European countries.


  1. Contis: Contis, a UK-based fintech company, obtained an EMI license in Lithuania to support its payment solutions and prepaid card programs. Contis specializes in providing white-label banking and payment services to businesses, including financial institutions, retailers, and fintech companies.


  1. Revolut: While Revolut is primarily based in the UK, it holds an EMI license in Lithuania. Revolut offers a wide range of financial services, including digital banking, currency exchange, cryptocurrency trading, and international money transfers. The Lithuanian license has enabled Revolut to offer its services to customers throughout the European Economic Area (EEA).


  1. MisterTango: MisterTango, a Lithuanian EMI, provides electronic money accounts and payment services to individuals and businesses. It offers features such as multi-currency accounts and prepaid debit cards, catering to both local and international customers.


  1. SatchelPay: SatchelPay is another Lithuanian EMI that specializes in payment services, including electronic money accounts and international money transfers. It focuses on providing seamless and secure financial solutions to businesses and individuals.


These examples demonstrate Lithuania’s attractiveness as a hub for EMIs, thanks to its EU passporting rights, favorable regulatory environment, and efficient licensing process. These companies have leveraged Lithuania’s EMI license to expand their services across Europe and provide innovative financial solutions to a broad customer base.